Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Why I am Here

I am going through some pretty cool things in my life right now that I do not want to forget. I am mostly doing this blog so that I will have a written account of this year and maybe more for me to look over later and remember. I guess it is a mix between scrapbooking and writing in a diary. I also want other people that are doing the same things as me, such as being a newlywed or a brand new teacher to know they aren't alone because I want to know that too. Hopefully if there are problems with anything I am going through someone else will have already done and can tell me what to do. You know, possibly make friends on here that can relate to me and I can relate to them.
I really want to commit to this because it is important to me. My husband commutes and also goes to school so we wont see each other very often for the first5 months or so until he graduates. He will get to read this and know what I think and whats going on with me on those nights when her gets home hours after I have gone to bed. My family and friends are also not very nearby so this is also a communication of whats going on with me so it feels like we have talked everyday.

In the end I just hope to actually do this and maybe find some other people who are going through the same things as me. Keeping in touch with my friends and family is my main goal.

goodbye for now

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